Stadtfahrt (Hierophanie 1)

City Tour (Hierophany 1)

Promenade en ville (Hiérophanie 1)

CR 697. Year 1993

Stadtfahrt Hierophie 1 Jochen Gerz Cr 108 1 Web1
Stadtfahrt Hierophanie 1 Jochen Gerz Cr 108 Web1

    The documentation… is also based on the impossibility of showing what is going on inside of a person… When you watch the terse video documentary of two of the bus tours, you realise how little words and images can actually convey of the powerful emotions experiences by a person who is confronted with his or her own memories.

    Friedemann Malsch 2002

    The experiential value of individual engagement with artworks is supplemented by a social moment whereby the question of a collective creativity and authorship comes to the fore that places the focus more on the process than the product. Gerz’s work allows for the exploration of an expanded experience of the effect of art when the art is manifested without a work of art (but with an effect).

    Paolo Bianchi 2016


    Video documentation

    Videotape, color, sound, 31 min
    Camera: Martin Kreyssig
    Recording of the performance at Hamburg, 26 September 1993 (108). The performance is part of the Stadtfahrt project sponsored by the Hamburg Culture Authority.

    Courtesy Vidéo les Beaux Jours, la Maison de l’Image, Strasbourg and imai, inter media art institute, Düsseldorf

    Fonds d'art contemporain de la Ville de Genève.
    Hamburger Bahnhof, Museu für Gegenwart, Berlin.
    Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.


    Genève 1999. Paris 2002 (Strasbourg 2002. Liechtenstein 2002)


    I: Hamburg 1993, pp. 135-144. Genève 1999, pp. 47ff. Paris 2002, pp. 86-87

    Access general bibliography


    Video stills: © 1993 Stadtfahrt Tour / Sabine Siegfried, Eva Bothe & Martin Kreyssig

    My name is Jochen Gerz